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If for any reason you are not satisfied with your product purchased through the internet, you have a period of 21 days, from the date of delivery of the product, to return it without any explanation. In this case the shipping and collection costs will be borne by the customer. Our address is: Nudecom Acilegna S.L. C / Isaac Albeniz nº 1 30400 Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) - SPAIN - Before making such return, the customer must contact our sales department within the deadline indicated by email: info@carterasybilleteros.es, or telephone, where the return process will be indicated if it is not clear and the client tells us It will indicate the method of return chosen and what you want us to do. Any return without this prior communication will not be received. To be able to accept the return must be in perfect condition both the product and its original packaging, without scratches or broken or damaged packaging and including all documentation accompanying the product and its accessories. The customer must make a proper packaging to ensure transport without damage. Once received and checked by our staff that the product is in the same state in which it was sent, the amount will be refunded according to the payment method made by the customer. You can communicate with us through: By e-mail: info@carterasybilleteros.com By phone: 661 305 616 Spain or 0034 661 305 616 International.

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